Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Minister of Defence - Is security the reason for the delay revelation?

Should I commended the present Minister of Defence for his courageous disclosure on the lost or what ? Where else in order of importance if not the country's defence equipments. It does not mattter if it is the Infantry base, TLDM base or TUDM base. But what is important why and how the security and surveillance had been lapsed? Were there full compliance to the last drop?

I am sure the probe will revealed that the army already has the SOP (standard operation procedures) and so on in placed, but the onus of it, how can such a big item like a jet engine can be conveniently taken out from the storage area and uplifted to one of the country in Europe as claimed? Do these engines placed under any inventory, do any vigilant audit conducted as scheduled? Do the personnel realised what misfortune can befall Malaysia? see this

There are two set back that be pointed out in connection to the incident. Firstly why the Ministry failed to disclose and two as contended by the Prime Minister the missing engines was realised in 2007 and a police report was lodged the question now fell on the Royal Malaysian Police what took them so very long to complete their investigation and identify the traitor or traitors? Is PDRM competency and credibility had been exhausted? read this and read this

With the revelation, it had painted a diminishing effect on both the security agencies that the country ihad relied on and looked forward to. This was the second incident after the Al- Ma'unah infiltration. clickhere

Was the former PM Pak Lah made aware of this incident as a Prime Minister and also the successor of the present Prime Minister as Defence Minister? Somethng must be amidst if he was not briefed or the missing engine is not in any way threatened the security of the country or the lost is not a personal loss, so be it. Which is which?

Anyway everybody has the right to their own perception(s), PRU 13 is just getting nearer and nearer do BN government actually has the time with the misfortune keep on coming one after another? Pakatan is laughing out their heart and Putrajaya is already in their imaginations. click this

BN leaders, love the rakyat and the party more than thy self, if you want BN to prevail and victorious. I you have to go, you have to go, even the Prime Minister himself.

1 comment:

svmbanu said...

1. Was this why Badawi took over
the Defence Portfolio from Najib
at one stage?

2. First it was one (1) and now
its two (2). They don't even
have the ability to speak the

3. Why reveal it now after keeping
it secret for so long????

4. Look at the confidence of the
thieves (enemy of the state).
They must have been doing it
for some time now.