Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What your heart and soul says?

The topics are contemporary, still holds the attention of so many and are pertinent to be debated. But I am here not to debate on those topic. What drew more of my attention were on the personalities involved.

Dr.Rizuan Tee is a chinese by birth quote, "Bagaimanakah saya boleh ‘masuk Melayu’ sedangkan saya seorang Cina. Saya memeluk agama Islam, bukan ‘masuk Melayu’. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini, saya memeluk Islam kerana kemuliaan dan kesucian Islam. Saya tidak pernah mengharap sebarang bantuan setelah memeluk Islam, kerana agama Islam mengajar saya prinsip berdikari. Bangsa seseorang tidak boleh ditukar walaupun ia telah memeluk Islam kerana bangsa itu adalah kejadian Allah SWT. Manakala agama, kita boleh pilih untuk dijadikan pegangan hidup seperti yang saya lakukan." unquote.

While the other Art Harun is a malay, quote " I am a Malay and a Muslim. I am not anti-Malay or anti-Islam. Nor am I pro non-Malays or non-Muslims." unquote.

Topics debated derived from the views or contention of Dr.Ridzuan 1. Nasib Melayu di bumi Melayu 2. Bila kacang lupakan kulit , 3. Bahaya matlamat menghalalkan cara , 4. Dituduh bersalah pada nenek moyang , 4., 5. Ancaman akhbar perkauman kepada perpaduan ,6. Isu timbul kerana kejahilan beragama , 7. Untungnya bersatu dalam senyap and this was from Art Harun, his views. Art Harun's.

After trying to comprehend on both personalities' disceptations, I am able to distinguish on what perspectives both derived their arguments but I reserved my comments.

Over here I would just want to say, let us go back to the divine truth. A malay will still be a malay, a chinese wil still be chinese and so the rest of other races. Do anyone like to dispute on that. No matter how you wish to be recognised as "bangsa Malaysia" it can never materialised. One must be truthful, seek the truth from your soul and ask your heart of heart, who are you? Can you claimed your ethnicity as malaysia?

Before anyone jump the gun, just ask this to your soul and mind are we prepared to absorb into the prevailing culture ( immigrants or a culturally distinct group)? Can we concede to only speak one language and enroll our kids to one school? I am very certain with the present scenarios no one ethnic in Malaysia is sincerely willing to give in.

What actually caused the agitations of our mind and emotion? Discontentment, greed, insecure, self-centered and many many more that can be unfold. Who are those responsible for the transformation? They are those who have and never the have not. But who are the victims, most certainly the have not.

I am never a problem solver, but sit back and search your soul, how best we, the citizen of Malaysia can mutually and collectively unravel this entanglement. Is 1 Malaysia the answer and what actually we understand by this concept or we actually don't just like Islam Hadhari?

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